Remember the Bicentennial? Celebrating America at 250 Might Be Even Harder
-The Semiquincentennial clock begins its countdown. What will we celebrate, when we celebrate America at 250? JFB in Washington Post,…
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Katherine Hepburn, Henry Fonda, and Me
-The call of loons, and of mortality. My NYT column for 7/7/21.
A Scottish Political Party Treated Trans Women Like the Loch Ness Monster
-It won’t be the last time. JFB in the Washington Post for June 1, 2021.
In 17 Years I Will Still Know My Own Heart
-The cycles of progress for LGBTQ people. This 6/1/21 NYT column helped kick off Pride Month.
Keeping Trans Kids from Medical Treatment Doesn’t Make them Disappear
-Treating trans children isn’t an “experiment.” The experiment is making it impossible for these young people to become themselves.
In Statehouses Everywhere, Republicans Have One Agenda
-Legislators are targeting young queer people trying to live their lives safely, and in peace. My NYT column for 1/31/21.
The Most Powerful Man in the World Thinks My Family is ‘Less Than.’
-The Fight for Equality isn’t over, and can most definitely still be lost.
Harry Potter and the Scales of Justice
-A Little Bit of good news, in a dire month for LGBTQ people.
President of the Flies
-What stories of shipwreck and plane crashes have to teach us about Donald Trump’s America. My NYT column for 5/27/20.
The First Time I Said, “I’m Trans.”
-Enough, I said. I will set out on this journey, although I do not know the way. My NYT column…