
For appearances (related to GOOD BOY, dogs & gender): Christine Mykithyshyn at Macmillan Publicity:)

For appearances (related to She’s Not There, Long Black Veil, She’s Not There, I’m Looking Through You,  Stuck in the Middle With You, Long Black Veil, and/or other gender, human rights & education issues:)
Kathryn Santora at Penguin Random House:

For press inquires:
Kris Dahl at ICM

To contact Jenny directly:

2014: The Year in Boylan

2014: The Year in Boylan
December 18, 2014 Jennifer Boylan

You'd want some coffee too if you did all this junk

This was kind of an exhausting year.  Good shit, though.   I know that a lot of people wonder what it is I actually do, besides teaching college.  Here’s a list for the last 12 months.  Get out yr hankies.

Links to all the short pieces can be found here.

Nonfiction books: Random House & Oxford University Press

Trans Bodies/Trans Selves. Laura Erickson-Schroth, ed. (introduction by Jennifer Finney Boylan)   (June 2014).  Oxford University Press.

Stuck in the Middle with You: Parenthood in Two Genders. May 2013. Crown/Broadway, division of Random House, Inc. (memoir, plus interviews on parenthood and childhood with Richard Russo, Augusten Burroughs, Edward Albee, Anne Beattie, Susan Minot, Trey Ellis and others.) Paperback April 2014.

She’s Not There: a Life in Two Genders, May 2013. Revised and expanded 10th anniversary edition of 2003 memoir, with new epilogue by Deirdre Boylan and new foreword and afterword by Jennifer Boylan. Afterward by Richard Russo. 2013 Crown/Broadway, division of Random House, Inc.

Fiction, novella:

I’ll Give You Something to Cry About. A novella. June 2014.  She-books, Inc.

Anthologized work in Hardcover:

Brief Encounters: Norton Anthology of Short Nonfiction. W.W, Norton, Inc. (forthcoming 2015). (contains essay by JB, “Why the Long Face?”)

You are You (forthcoming 2015) Photo-documentary on camp for gender nonconforming youth. Wrote introduction, “Earning My Feathers.”

Come Here Often: 51 Writers Raise a Glass to Their Favorite Bar. Black Balloon Publishing.  September 2014 (contains story/essay by JB, “The Beagle.”)

Spent: Exposing our Complicated Relationship with Shopping, SEAL Press. September 2014.  (contains JB essay, “The One That Got Away.” )

Letters to My Sisters, Transgress Press.  May 2014. Contains one JB “letter” to young transgender women.

Greenwich Village Stories, Universe Press, April 2014.  Contains JFB tale of arriving in New York, November 2, 1980.

Essays and Op/eds for the New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Salon, and Huffington Post.

“My Christmas Visitors,” December 24, 2014  op/ed, New York Times.

Mystery Train,” December 17, 2014.  Salon

Knitting Backward,” October 18, 2014.  New York Times.

Having a Transgender Parent Helped My Sons Become Better Men.” September 25, 2014.  The Advocate.

Sturm und Drang,”  September 14, 2014.  Washington Post

“Pizza and Parenthood,” op/ed, New York Times, August 27, 2014

“My Life in Bicycles,” op/ed, New York Times, Aug. 17, 2014.

“Trans Community Can Change Minds by Changing Discourse,” op/ed, Los Angeles Times, August 17, 2014.

“Five Things Not to Say to a Transgender Person (and Three Things You Should)” Huffington Post, July 21, 2014.

I Had a Boyhood, Once,” op/ed, New York Times, July 20, 2014.

Home is Where the Horses Are,” op/ed, New York Times, May 28, 2014.

When Music Was Strange,” op/ed, New York Times, May 10, 2014

A Common Core for All of Us,” op/ed, New York Times, March 22, 2014.

“Save us from the SAT,” op/ed, New York Times, March 7, 2014

“Transgender, Schlumpy, & Human,” op/ed, New York Times Feb. 16, 2014.

“The Beatles, JFK, Even Julia Child. HELP!”  feature, Washington Post, Feb. 7. 2014

Broadcast Media:


“Transgender Civil Rights,” piece for CBS News’ anniversary of the passage of the Civil Rights Act.

Advisor, Transparent, Amazon series episodes 101-109, January 2014.


Fresh Air, with Terry Gross, NPR. interview with JFB and others about book, Trans Bodies, Trans Selves.  7/17/14

The Takeaway, NPR, interview with JFB about trans advocacy and progress, 4/23/14


Invited Guest: East Room, White House, as President Obama signed Executive Order Expanding Protections to LGBT Employees of the Federal Government.

Amtrak Writer-in-Residence. Travelled 8000+ miles, from Maine to Boston to San Francisco; from SF to Seattle; from Seattle to Chicago and home to Maine. Wrote about it for SALON.

Anna Quindlen Writer in Residence, Barnard College of Columbia University.  Left Colby College after 25 years and began this new appointment in Barnard English.

Keynotes and Plenary Sessions:

Commencement Address, Kents Hill School, Kents Hill, ME 5/24/14

Address to New York District Attorney’s Office, 11/20/14

Address to Barnard College Trustees, New York, NY 12/10/14

Readings and Lectures:

Reading, First Year Experience (FYE) Conference, San Diego, CA 2/15-17/14.

Reading, Bowdoin College, Brunswick ME 2/24/14

Reading, Muhlenberg College, Allentown PA 3/24/14

Reading, Indiana University East, Richmond IN  3/26/14

Reading, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY 4/3/14

Guest professor, Sexuality Class, University of Maine, 4/24/14

Reading, World Voices Festival, PEN, New York, NY 5/2/14

Reading with Augusten Burroughs, Strand Bookstore, New York, NY, 5/8/14

Reading, Edith Wharton House, “The Mount,” Lenox, MA 8/29/14

Panel, Canyon Ranch, Lenox MA 8/30/14

Reading, Poly Prep, Brooklyn, NY  9/9/14

Reading, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie NY  9/18/14

Reading, Milton Academy, Milton, MA 10/1/14

Reading, Mt. Holyoke, South Hadley, MA 10/2/14

Reading, SUNY Canton, NY 10/16/14

Reading, Boston Book Festival, Boston MA  10/25-14

GLAAD and the Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender, & Reproduction

Board of Directors Meeting, GLAAD, New York, February 7 & 8, 2014.

Media Awards Gala, GLAAD, Los Angeles, April 12, 2014.

Media Awards Gala, GLAAD, New York, NY  May 3, 2014

Board of Directors Meeting, GLAAD, Los Angeles, May 30 & 31, 2014

Game Changers Gala, GLAAD, San Francisco, September 13, 2014

Board of Directors Meeting, GLAAD, Atlanta, GA October 10 & 11, 2014.

Board of Trustees Meeting, Kinsey Institute, Bloomington, IN November 2 & 3, 2014


  1. Gary David 10 years ago

    Congrats Jen !!!! You were mentioned by Jeffery Tambor last night at the Globes when he accepted for Transparent! Many people are proud of you, keep up the great work you do!

  2. Lesley W 10 years ago

    I am a 55 year old female,I saw you on I am Cait,I think you are awesome, and you have my ultimate respect,God bless you,I think you are courageous, and just great. Thank you for your time,Lesley

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