Professor Boylan outside of Burp Castle in the East Village, NYC
Things have gotten better. But they haven’t gotten better everywhere, and they haven’t gotten better for everyone. If you’re a person whose only issue is marriage equality, or someone living in a blue state, things are looking up. If you live somewhere else, or if you’re a transgender person, especially a trans woman of color, things are as hard as they’ve ever been, and you stand a very good chance of being unemployed, or homeless, or being on the receiving end of violence. And this cannot stand. The right to live your life free of fear shouldn’t be dependent on geography.
3. Why does there still seem to be so much fear of trans people if not antipathy and hate?
4. What needs to happened next in terms of acceptance?
5. Anything else you have to add?
I know that my position is in the minority, especially in the Gay Community, where Drag Queens r beloved, but I am hoping u will consider my thoughts and help me and the 99% of LGBT people who r trying to fit in as “normal” in NoWhereVille, USA!..
RuPaul and Drag Queens are the equivalent NEGATIVE stereotype to LGBT people as Minstrel Shows (Black Face) were to African-Americans in the 19th Century!…
These shows are comedic entertainment, based on negative stereotypes; being media frenzied, sexually explicit, over the top, bitch-divas!..
The world is having their first contact with real life LGBT people through these shows, thus: these negative stereotypes are being portrayed as OUR “norm”, making it difficult, if not impossible, for us to fit in and be accepted as the regular NORMAL people we are, in both the Business and the Social world!…
Have You seen this Face Book post “This is what Trans looks like”?
http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2016/03/this-is-what-trans-looks-like-governor-mccrory/He is what trans looks like!
I am what trans looks like! (see attached pics)
Drag Queens are what North Carolina is scared trans people ARE – outrageous, over-the-top attitude, behavior and dress!
I would like to be thought of as: intelligent (not calculating), dressed business appropriate in a skirt (not as a hooker), and most of all, NORMAL (not a self-centered egomaniac)!!..
I’m not fighting for RuPaul to sashay on TV…
I’m not fighting for Caitlyn Jenner to be real-life Malibu Stacey
I’m fighting and the 99% of us, the average LGBT Joe/Jane, NOT in Hollywood, who just wants to fit in and be accepted in Nowhere Ville, USA!
We want to be accepted as serious members of the community: lawyers and school principals – NOT as JOKES and clowns!
Can we PLEASE stop PRO-LGBT media outlets (LogoTV, GLASD) from giving accolades and awards to the people who are hurting our REAL chances of being accepted in the REAL world!
http://www.kstny.com -
So very true. Thank you for all you do.
“But they should try to imagine it. In the name of God they should try to imagine it.” JFB
Don’t even care if they do it in the name of their Uncle John … They Should try to imagine it. Gratitude seems such a hollow word. But gratitude and respect Ms. Boylan! Gratitude and respect.
The backlash made me come out as a grad teaching assistant. That was the easy part. I almost daily engage transgender debates, in a respectable way, on one of the biggest firearms boards, being an Oklahoman and all, ya’ll. The point is sometimes you have to wrestle the pig on its terms.