A Letter to the Trans Community and its Allies, 11/9/16
-A LETTER TO THE TRANS COMMUNITY AND OUR ALLIES, 11/9/16: Dear friends: For a few brief moments this morning, I…
Marijuana Laws Harsh Nation’s Mellow
-Perhaps it’s my 1970s adolescence that has left me with the feeling that my use of cannabis is somehow risqué.…
Pre-heat party for upcoming LONG BLACK VEIL
-Walking the Earth • October 27, 2016/Belgrade Lakes, Maine • I’m back home after a few days walking the earth. I was…
Jenny Boylan receives Virginia Prince Transgender Pioneer Award at Fantasia Fair 2016
-Jennifer Finney Boylan, this year’s winner of the Virginia Prince Award, has been described as “a role model for her brisk…
The Trump Carousel
-As Joni Mitchell once observed, we’re captive on a Carousel of Trump. How Donald seized a beloved New York City landmark…
The Bitch is Back: Older, Wiser, and (Getting) Happier
-When Jennifer Finney Boylan is asked, “Don’t you want more, sometimes?” she gently replies: “Well, no one ever wants less.”…
New Falcon Quinn Book Supports Anti-bullying Work
-MONSTER UP with Falcon Quinn and the Bullies of Greenblud, just published! All proceeds benefit Spirit Day 2016 and GLAAD’s…
The Normalization of Hate
-I know who is responsible for the fear I feel when I hear gunfire. It’s you, Mr. Trump, just as…
The Woman Card: Feminism and the 2016 Election
-The historic candidacy of Hillary Clinton meets a Supreme Court vacancy and a presumptive Republican nominee with overwhelming unfavorables amongst…