In 17 Years I Will Still Know My Own Heart
-The cycles of progress for LGBTQ people. This 6/1/21 NYT column helped kick off Pride Month.
When Loyalty Is Overrated
-Sometimes what we are most devoted to are our biggest mistakes. My NYT column for 5/5/21.
Keeping Trans Kids from Medical Treatment Doesn’t Make them Disappear
-Treating trans children isn’t an “experiment.” The experiment is making it impossible for these young people to become themselves.
I Know Why I Am Here On Earth
-My father died on Easter Sunday. His spirit is all around. NYT column for 4/4/21.
How to Save a Life in Just One Hour
-When you give blood, it’s more than blood you’re giving. My NYT column for 3/3/21
My Country Suddenly Turned on Me
-Recovering from the trauma of the Trump era will depend on how its story is told. My NYT column for…
In Statehouses Everywhere, Republicans Have One Agenda
-Legislators are targeting young queer people trying to live their lives safely, and in peace. My NYT column for 1/31/21.
Heart and Soul, I Fell In Love With You
-How piano lessons–and a middle school friendship–changed my life. My NYT column for 1/5/21
Time Won’t Let Me Wait That Long
-A visit to a clock repair store provides a lesson in living in 2020. My NYT column for 12/09/20.
I Remember When Rock Was Young
-What the music of Elton John meant to a closeted teenager in 1970. My NYT column for 11/25/70