What Grade Would You Give Donald Trump?
-The president won’t release his college transcript. But we can guess what it says.
What Tolkien Knew About Love
-Like Henry Darger, he created an epic fantasy. Why is Tolkien remembered, and Darger nearly forgotten?
What Happens to a Magazine Deferred?
-The American Bystander, published for just one issue in the 1980s, is back. It was worth the wait.
The Brilliant Uncertainty of the Grateful Dead’s “Dark Star.”
-Fifty years ago, the band recorded the most entrancing version of its most hypnotic composition.
The Madness of King Donald
-The new BBC production of “King Lear” is great fun — and an uncomfortable reflection of American politics these days
Do You Hear That? It’s the Sound of Winter
-In Maine, the ice groans and the axes clunk, noises both terrifying and comforting