My Young Adult book, FALCON QUINN AND THE BULLIES OF GREENBLUD is now available, and on October 4, the Kindle Edition is FREE ALL DAY. All proceeds benefit Spirit Day 2016 and GLAAD’s anti-bullying programs.
Falcon Quinn and his friends are monsters–a Sasquatch, a Chupakabra, a wind elemental, a Frankenstein– but now they confront the scariest challenge of all: 9th grade. Disguised as humans, Falcon and friends are in a race against time to find five monsters hidden in a New Hampshire high school. An exciting adventure as well as a serious look at what it means to be different– Falcon Quinn and the Bullies of Greenblud is a hilarious, moving look at bullies and the bullied, at monsters and humans, at boys and girls–and adults–of all kinds.
It’s available as a Kindle book here— and it’s also available as a paperback here.
You can learn more about the Falcon Quinn books at the FQ home page.
Above all, you have to fight your monster nature. You don’t want to be a monster. Do you?