JB at Ursinus College 3/18!
-hey you all. Hope philadelphians will join me at Ursinus College on Thursday night. Come All Ye.
Announcing the Falcon Quinn web site
-Dearly beloved. Please check out the new site for the new book series. The link is www.falconquinn.com. It’s full of…
Jenny B. at Kendall Square Cinema this Saturday, March 13
-I’ll be introducing the film PRODIGAL SONS this Saturday night at the Kendall Square Cinema in Boston at 7 PM.…
New appearances for 2010…
-A few dates for 2010 are becoming firmer, including three or four this very month of March. March 4: Wesleyan…
James Boylan Live at Wesleyan University, April 1980
-In April of 1980, young James Boylan played the West College Coffeehouse at Wesleyan University. The evening consisted of a…
On Salinger, and the public life of writers
-This piece of mine, written Friday, appears on today’s (Monday) op/ed page of the New York Times. Raise High the…
On heading north, from Stuart Little by E.B. White
-“Which direction are you headed? asked. “North,” said Stuart. “North is nice,” said the repairman. “I’ve always enjoyed…