
For appearances (related to GOOD BOY, dogs & gender): Christine Mykithyshyn at Macmillan Publicity:)

For appearances (related to She’s Not There, Long Black Veil, She’s Not There, I’m Looking Through You,  Stuck in the Middle With You, Long Black Veil, and/or other gender, human rights & education issues:)
Kathryn Santora at Penguin Random House:

For press inquires:
Kris Dahl at ICM

To contact Jenny directly:

Boylans on Oprah

Boylans on Oprah
August 10, 2009 Jennifer Boylan

The Oprah show that my family and I were on last spring re-runs today, Monday, I believe. You could check it out if you wanted.

The good news is that we were among “Oprah’s Most Memorable Guests.” The bad news is that the other “memorable’ guests included lying Ted Haggard, the Texas Polygamist Wives, the husband of the woman who drowned her children, a mom with no arms and legs, and a 700 pound man. So, you know. “Memorable” in this instance has a particular meaning.

We’re on about a third of the way into the show, for a single segment, Skyped in from our home. Caveat emptor.


  1. Hannah 16 years ago

    I’m sorry, but unfortunately, being a transitioned man>female in society is considered as “freaky” as the woman with no arms or legs and the 700 pound man. Certainly, you have some sympathy for these people as well. Lord knows you also have a cross to bear in the same vein.

  2. Bennie Andrews 16 years ago

    Howdy from El Paso, I caught the Boylan’s interview on Oprah’s Show this afternoon. As usual, Oprah didn’t have a clue… I mean, wouldn’t you think she’d wanna learn a little somethin’ about the issues facin’ her Transgendered guests & their families so that she could conduct her interviews with compassion & sensitivity, and appear knowledgeable to her viewers? But nooo, Oprah relied on the standard reaction shot closeups of disapprovin’ audience members as well as her own shockingly comedic expressions to try to turn the interview into a “freak show!” Her “penis” reference was especially idiotic! Grrreat comeback, Jenny!

    The Boylans are to be commended for their honesty & courage. I only wish more families of Transgendered people would come foward to show their support. Oprah Winfrey missed a wonderful opportunity… she blew it big time!

  3. Deborah Erskine 16 years ago

    Hello Jenny,

    I happened to catch your interview on Oprah the other day. After watching the show, I immediately went to and downloaded your book “She’s Not There…” onto my Kindle. I’m now 61% through reading it (according to the little ‘locations bar’ across the bottom of the screen) and I’ve just read the email from Russo where he so truthfully speaks of his struggle to redefine his friendship with you. I must admit that I have been in tears several times throughout your book, but nothing brought so much emotion as his explanation of what was going on in his mind while trying to process all the he needed to process. While I am unable to understand completely transgendered individuals and all that they live through (how could I?, not being a transgendered individual…) I believe I am able to understand the implications of how your decision affected so many. (just based on an experience which happened in my own life of which I will not divulge in this comment…) At any rate, I applaud you for having the courage to be true to yourself. I pray you and your family are well and happy and I thank you for writing your book. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must continue reading to see how it ends! (Although I guess it never really end, does it?)
    God bless you,
    Deborah Erskine

  4. Fernanda Rocha 15 years ago


    I watched Oprah last week too and totally agree with Benny Andrews.

    I’ve been reading your book (She’s not There”) ever since and have been delighted with your story.

    For Christ’s sake, there’s nothing freaky about you. It’s wonderful to know that the beatiful woman that had been inside you for so many years broke through against all odds and succeeded – BRAVO!

    You’ve got such an incredible family and it filled me with joy to see you guys together, happy and united by love. That’s the only thing that matters.

    God bless you all.

    Fernanda Rocha

    No doubt it was meant to be.

  5. Darwin 15 years ago

    Saw it. You guys must get so tired of answering the same asinine questions all the time. Thanks for putting yourself out there so that someday we might not be so memorable anymore…or at least so that we might be memorable for a different reason.

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