
For appearances (related to GOOD BOY, dogs & gender): Christine Mykithyshyn at Macmillan Publicity:)

For appearances (related to She’s Not There, Long Black Veil, She’s Not There, I’m Looking Through You,  Stuck in the Middle With You, Long Black Veil, and/or other gender, human rights & education issues:)
Kathryn Santora at Penguin Random House:

For press inquires:
Kris Dahl at ICM

To contact Jenny directly:

JB in Chicago this week!

JB in Chicago this week!
November 2, 2010 Jennifer Boylan

Greetings culture lovers, as Bullwinkle used to say. Two events for me this coming week in Chicago represent my first appearances in the Midwest in what seems like a long time. First stop is a workshop event Friday at the Belic Institute of Columbia College Chicago, starting at 10 AM. I’ll be reading from my new novel in progress (forthcoming from Random House in 2012) as well as other earlier work, and talking about craft. And on Sunday at 10 AM, I take the stage for the Chicago Humanities Festival, where I’ll be talking about She’s Not There and Falcon Quinn.

It’s a great treat for me to be able to make this visit to Chicago, and to do these two events, so I hope you’ll all turn out. Tune in next time for our next episode, Upsy-Daisium, or, Venn Ve Get Moose und Squirrel?

1 Comment

  1. MeriB 14 years ago

    Martin: Don’t you guys know about faxes or e-mails?
    Bullwinkle: Sure. A fax is a little red critter that hunts geese and chickens. Half of them are males, and the other half are “E-males”

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